Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Good Thoughts?

I like the top of the blog-how inspiring. But I can honestly say I am having no good thoughts while running right now. I will let you know if they get any better

Is Anyone Really Reading This?

Hey gals,

I hope all is well in the mission to free ourselves of flab. Thanks to our trusted leader Mel for keeping us up to date on the race and training. Laura, I checked out that link at Runner's World and it looks pretty cool. I put in all of my info and it set me up with a running schedule. The pace seems a lot slower than what I would like to finish up at, but I am going to give it a try. It has me running 7 miles this week, so we'll see how it goes, the furthest I have gone is 5. I realized last week that I was doing too much and trying to run too fast and this week I have slowed down and have taken a few days off and my body feels much happier.

I am officially coming up for the race. Jimmy's cousin is getting married that morning and I was a little worried about how it would look if I skipped out on a family wedding to run a race, but I'm going to do it. For me, it will be a long-time goal accomplished and I really need to accomplish something like this. It will be good.

On another note, I am a proud member of Weight Watchers of eight weeks now. Last week I logged in 15 pounds lost on the old scale--and I think it is about 15 pounds less than when I got pregnant with Hannah. It has been such a positive, good experience and I would highly recommend the program to anyone that finds themselves needing something like this now, or later in life. I have learned a lot and feel like I am on track.

Jimmy and I laugh about this now, but when I returned from my mission and was struggling with life in general he gave me some future husbandly advice of reading my scriptures and exercising. I wanted to punch his lights out. But, as I have been really active now for more than a month, I can see that my demeanor and attitude are so much better. Exercise may not be the cure-all but it has sure helped me to cope with life.

Anyways, that's my rant for the day. Hopefully we'll hear from some others soon. Running the race or not, stop in and say hi.

And for Mel. No, I will not be pregnant and yes I will be giving suck to my child.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Hey running friends,For training i love RunnersWorld. com. They have Something call Smart Coach. It customizes a training schedule according to your running level, how far the race is you are running and such . Check it out. Here is a link.


A side note: A good Xtraining you can do right in the comfort of your home is Yoga. Yoga is good to enhance your running ability.

Monday, April 28, 2008

3 posts on my first day!

So, I now have some things I have been wondering. If any of you would like to comment it would be much appreciated:
#1 Honestly, how many of you are going to pregnant by race day?
#2 For those of you who were recently pregnant and now have a suckling child, are you going to stop breastfeeding by the race?
#3 For those of you who have a personal blog (which I don't, so I'm exempt), what do we have to do to flabfreedom to get it on your list of blog links?

Alright ladies have a lovely day!

The rigorous schedule...

Hal Higdon is the marathon guru, and has a great schedule to follow.
Here is that link:

And now, here is my version of getting us through this half marathon!

I am planning on running 3X a week, and then doing some cross training 2X a week. You can adjust that to whatever your schedule will accommodate (more or less). However, I would make sure you are running at least 3X a week. Starting May 4, we have 16 weeks to race day. Each week, choose a distance for 2 short runs and then try to make the distance of the long runs. And, please call to chat if you have any questions. (Or, you could always call someone who actually knows what they’re doing).

Wk 1 long run: 4 miles
Wk 2 long run: 4 miles
Wk 3 long run: 5 miles
Wk 4 long run: 5 miles
Wk 5 long run: 6 miles
Wk 6 long run: 6 miles
Wk 7 long run: 7 miles
Wk 8 long run: 7 miles
Wk 9 long run: there is an extra week in this schedule, so it gives you room to miss a week for vacations
Wk 10 long run: 7 miles
Wk 11 long run: 8 miles
Wk 12 long run: 9 miles
Wk 13 long run: 10 miles
Wk 14 long run: 8 miles
Wk 15 long run: 10-12 miles
Wk 16 is race week! Do short runs and rest this week, and on Saturday we’ll be ready!

There is a lot of repetition to this schedule. So, if you don’t want to start right yet or you aren’t quite up to 4 miles, just adjust appropriately.

Time to register...

Hello all! Don't forget to register for the Hobble Creek Half Marathon on May 1st!
Here is the website:
Check it out!
PS This is my very first time posting on a blog!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

This is AWESOME!!

Erin, this is really great. I love the name of this too...what relief we will all feel from our flab oh so soon!! I just wanted to give a little motivation to all from my corner of the world. I know it probably sounds weird saying this but I loved running the St. George marathon in 2006. After I finished I truly felt empowered...I felt like I could do anything I put my mind to, because I had just finished a marathon, it has given me confidence to do a lot of other things I never thought possible. I'll be honest with you, I didn't RUN the whole thing. My sister and I would take walking breaks and because I had problems with my knees I had to walk the last 5 miles. But my goal was to finish, and I did, and my other goals was to be smiling at the end, and believe it or not, I was!! Running a half marathon will be the same! Running races is really fun, the energy from the other runners is amazing. So here we go!!--Aisha J.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

A Tid Bit

I read this article a few days ago. Thought I'd pass it on. There are some good tips if you get a chance to read it.

Erin O/S

Flab Freedom

Welcome girls, to Flab Freedom. Hope the name isn't too graphic, but as I was contemplating what to call this little site I thought of my personal purpose in getting in shape is to lose this little friend I call my spare tire. My flabbiness. For some, it might just be to get healthy, and so to you skinny ones participating, don't be offended. Just because the site is called Flab Freedom, doesn't necessarily mean that you are flabby.

I think that this is going to be a lot of fun. Our service recipient, Melanie Boogaard is currently compiling some work out schedules and other goods that will help along the way. This is an open forum for all to post. I sent y'all the login and password, so I want to see some interaction here. Please don't let me be the only one that posts.

I also don't think this needs to just be about Hobble Creek, although that is the original purpose of this all. Any thoughts about life, health, mothering, wifing, dating, church callings etc; are more than welcome.

Here we go.

Erin O/S