Wednesday, April 2, 2008

This is AWESOME!!

Erin, this is really great. I love the name of this too...what relief we will all feel from our flab oh so soon!! I just wanted to give a little motivation to all from my corner of the world. I know it probably sounds weird saying this but I loved running the St. George marathon in 2006. After I finished I truly felt empowered...I felt like I could do anything I put my mind to, because I had just finished a marathon, it has given me confidence to do a lot of other things I never thought possible. I'll be honest with you, I didn't RUN the whole thing. My sister and I would take walking breaks and because I had problems with my knees I had to walk the last 5 miles. But my goal was to finish, and I did, and my other goals was to be smiling at the end, and believe it or not, I was!! Running a half marathon will be the same! Running races is really fun, the energy from the other runners is amazing. So here we go!!--Aisha J.

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