Friday, May 23, 2008

An uphill battle...

I truly have started to enjoy running again. It's something that Isaac and I look forward to everyday. I was starting to feel like I was in pretty good shape...until this morning. I went on a 5 mile run, with the first 2.5 miles being uphill. It kicked my butt! If you were to tell me that the 1/2 marathon was uphill the whole way, I would drop out right now. The good news is we will drop 1582 ft in elevation throughout the race. The bad news is that I've been told that mile 6-10 has some pretty good uphill also. Any tips for running uphill? (Besides telling Isaac he has to get himself up the hill, and I'm not pushing him.) Anyway, good luck to all...Happy running!


WareHouse said...

I signed on for this thinking it was all downhill! Who hid this info from me?!? Also-I posted that last post after a good run-now it is hard again! I spoke too soon!

WareHouse said...

I signed on for this thinking it was all downhill! Who hid this info from me?!? Also-I posted that last post after a good run-now it is hard again! I spoke too soon!

Keisel Family said...

You know what else is hard, not being able to eat whatever I want. That sucks!

Unknown said...

yeah, so this weekend Kylan's sister remi got married and had her reception at a friends amazing mansion house in deer valley. Well we decided that a wedding was no reason not to run so on friday morning we headed out to enjoy a run through beautiful deer valley. after about 3 minutes up a gradual slope i was pretty sure i would either throw up or pass out. Apparently my jogs through the lovely parks of Orem have not been preparing me for any sort of hill. I guess I'm going to have to include those in our future jogs.