Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Think of me hiking

So, I didn't sign up for the race. We are going out of town that day. A part of me wishes I was running with you all. It is so fun to run a race with friends. I did Moab 1/2 a last year with friedns and had a blast. But then I remember a few weeks back and training for the Wasatch Back and how relieved I was knowing I didn't have to train anymore when we finished. During the grueling race I decided I wouldn't run for a few weeks and that I am going to dedicate my Saturdays to nice hikes instead of "long runs".
Mel it was fun seeing you when we were out running.
Have fun.

I will leave you with a motivational running quote:

"You have to wonder at times what you're doing out there. Over the years, I've given myself a thousand reasons to keep running, but it always comes back to where it started. It comes down to self-satisfaction and a sense of achievement."
- Steve Prefontaine


Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Have We Lost All Motivation?

Hi Friends,

I was just checking in to see how the training is going. Chels, are you there? Jen, are you running? Mel, how's the mileage? Kort, how is the tan for Hawaii?

I have started running again but am taking it pretty slow. Mostly just trying for three days a week. Hopefully Jimmy and I can run a 15k at the end of July. That's the goal atleast.

It's probably a good thing I didn't get into the race because flights are going up, and we are all out of our free Delta Dollars. I would much rather fly for free than pay.

Anyways, update someone with how things are going.


Saturday, May 31, 2008

Bad News, For Me Atleast.

So my sister-in-law just called to inform me that she heard that The Hobblecreek Half registration is now closed.


Mel and Jen, I know are already registered. Did anyone else get signed up in time?

I was unsure if I was going to make it due to my knee, but now I'm really bummed.

Let me know if you know anything.


Friday, May 23, 2008

An uphill battle...

I truly have started to enjoy running again. It's something that Isaac and I look forward to everyday. I was starting to feel like I was in pretty good shape...until this morning. I went on a 5 mile run, with the first 2.5 miles being uphill. It kicked my butt! If you were to tell me that the 1/2 marathon was uphill the whole way, I would drop out right now. The good news is we will drop 1582 ft in elevation throughout the race. The bad news is that I've been told that mile 6-10 has some pretty good uphill also. Any tips for running uphill? (Besides telling Isaac he has to get himself up the hill, and I'm not pushing him.) Anyway, good luck to all...Happy running!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Its Getting Better!

Was that Jen that made that last post? My Ipod is my running mate as well. I have gone occasionally with somone else-but I am always worried that they are in better shape than I am and will be regretting they came with me. The run on the Porter Rockwell Trail was a lot of fun-good to talk and catch up on things. I like running with my stroller a lot more than I thought I would. Now if someone could drag my butt out of bed in the morning-then I would be set. It really is getting easier though as I go more and more. Thank goodness!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Running Buddy

I have found that the best running tool is a running buddy.
I have used my i-pod as a running buddy in the past but my sister Whitney has started to run with me and it has been quite fabulous. I find that having someone to talk to takes my mind off of the running/long distance. For any of you who don't have a running buddy I recommend finding one. How did the run go on the Porter Rockwell Trail? I wish I could have been there to run along with you guys. It sounds like everyone is working hard and doing well. I am very proud of all of us.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!!

We will indeed be holding a group run next week in Draper. C. Ware and I are both available W&Th morning. I was thinking somewhere from 2-3 miles. We can run on the Porter Rockwell Trail, and there's another trail in Draper I have grown to love. The second trail is not named nor marked, so E-Dawg if you could bring your "distance tracker thing" that would be much appreciated. What time works for everyone? Around 8am works best for me, but I've been known to be flexible. I hope everyone has a lovely weekend, and most of all...HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY TO YOU ALL!!!